That Little Bit Of Extra

The "little bit extra" is a very powerful concept to put into practice today in every aspect of your life. The difference between being ordinary and being extraordinary is that little bit EXTRA. The little bit extra is what separates average performers from CHAMPIONS!

In a sales process, the little bit extra is that one extra follow-up call, that extra sincere thank-you or the extra little bit of energy that you put into the presentation of your business. This will separate you from your competition. You can either go through the motions of your business or you can give that little bit extra in order to cement yourself in the mind of your potential customer. We all can relate to purchasing a product/service from someone who just gave you a little bit extra attention than their competitor did and THAT is the reason we bought from THEM!

When I personally coach someone, one of my key strategies is to move them to become champions in their field. One of the easiest ways is to show them the value of what a little extra eye contact with their prospects or customers brings. You need to look your prospect or customer directly in their eyes when you are presenting your business! This drives into them your confidence and conviction about what you and your product/service have to offer them. When I coach people, I tell them that the eye contact strategy alone will take them two steps ahead of their competition.

Remember, people will feed off your confidence from the look in your eyes. As you progress in your journey towards fulfilling your WHY, you need to constantly give that little extra! The true sign of a champion-to-be is just when it seems impossible for him/her to give that extra push; they dig deep down and give that little bit extra to fulfill their WHY! When I speak to groups, I train them to have the mindset of always giving a little bit more than their competitor. Over the long run, it will pay off big! A small improvement over a long period of time will produce outstanding results.

Now that you know the benefit of giving that little bit of extra effort, you need to ask yourself a question..."What can I do today and every day with a little more effort to move me to the champion level in my field?" You need to realize someone will be the champion in your chosen endeavor. Let me ask you a question, "Why not you?"

See you at the top!

Find your WHY and Fly!

As a young child, John Di Lemme was clinically diagnosed as astutterer and told that he would never speak fluently. Today, Johnhas achieved great success as an international motivational speaker,accomplished author and multi-million dollar entrepreneur. John shocksmillions globally by exposing the truth about how to achievemonumental life success despite the labels that society has placedon you. Through his award winning live seminars, power-packedtraining programs, live tele-classes, and weekly ezine, John DiLemme has made success a reality for thousands worldwide.visit and discover how you canfinally create monumental success in your life today and achieveall your goals, dreams and desires.

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